
Monday, December 10, 2012

Power of the Atonement

After watching Elder Bednar's DVD last night, I learnt something very important.
There are some things in life that human beings can't do alone. For example, when someone you really love and trust betrays you, it's impossible to forgive them with your own understanding.
But with the power of the Atonement, all things are possible. There is nothing we cannot do with his help. This doctrine should give us a greater hope of life. No matter what happens in our life, whether it's because of our own fault or other people around us, we can overcome any trials waiting ahead of us. Because Christ has already walked the path, he knows how to helps us through our trials and fill our weaknesses. Sometimes I wonder where I would be if I didn't have the gospel in my life. I can feel his love as I strive to keep his commandments every day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Faith and Eternal Life

Faith is something you have to constantly nourish, so it doesn't stop growing and start rotting.
Just because I felt the spirit yesterday and got the answer to my prayer doesn't solve my today's problems. "Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it... wherefore my sould did rest... I know that in him, I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me. Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen."
Is that not the purpose of my life? If so, then what else matters?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Miracle of Forgiveness

Last night, I started reading 'The Miracle of Forgiveness", written by Spencer W. Kimball.
Wow...... I was speechless. What a powerful book..
I didn't even know that there were so many sins and I've broken so many of them, without even realizing. In the middle of reading it, I got really guilty and scared so I put it down. I guess I'm not ready to become perfect yet. Although this book made me feel really discouraged for committing so many sins but now I'm much more grateful than ever before, for the Atonement of Christ. Now I understand more of what it means to be less than the dust of the earth and remembering our nothingness, and his goodness. The more we realize our weaknesses in our carnal state, the more we are desperate for the need of the Atonement of Christ and we learn to appreciate it with deeper gratitude. From the book, I also learned the importance of this life. I gained a sure testimony that this life is the time to prepare to meet God. As imperfect as we are, this life on earth is given to us so we can try to live each day better to prepare to live with him again. The more I learn about the gospel, my life becomes more meaningful and this is why I love the gospel so much.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Life of Elder Perry

Today, I got to learn about the life of Elder L.Tom Perry. As I read about him, I got to know how amazing he is and I began to really admire him. He was a trustworthy, unselfish person who was also gifted with enthusiasm. People who knew him well said his greatest skills are 'his people skills. His warmth, his understanding, his friendliness, his courtesy, his kindness, and his graciousness make him a very welcome member of any group or meeting in which he is involved.' There are so many things that we can learn from the Apostles. Elder Perry said "I have always tried to be the pace setter, and you know that's an exciting place to be. You never have a dull moment in your life, as long as you're trying. You don't alwasy achieve but when you don't, you've put up a good fight and it's been an exciting experience trying to get there." From reading about his life, I learned today that life is not to be stressed about whether or not if you can succeed but to be enjoyed as I try my best in every moment. I also learned about what kind of person sister Perry was. She was described as "a woman who supprted her husband and reared her children in the ways of the Lord." She understood her role in the family organization. She was anxious to fill that which God had intended for her and had confidence in him. I hope I can become like her one day.. I love learning about the apostles and their lives so that I have a better idea of what I want in my future and how I can prepare for it through their examples.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Being Whole

What does being whole mean?

* It is a description of a life on earth filled with the spirit of God and one in the eternities in the presence of the father.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Road to Happiness

I wanted to start a blog, mainly because I wanted to share some of my beliefs and the things that I learn as I live my life each day. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most people will refer to us as "the mormons." I was born in the church and I've been a member of this church for almost 23 years now. Throughout those years, there has been times when my faith was weak, but as of right now, I'm so grateful to have this gospel in my life. It has brought me so many blessings and taught me to live in such a way that helps me to learn to find true happiness that will last forever. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sometimes I feel like there are things in my life that I've been blessed with that I'm not so sure whether or not I even deserve it. Over time, I've come to realize that these blessings weren't only given for my sake but they were given because I needed to share it with other people and use it to serve the people around me.

There are things in my past that I don't really want to think about because they were very traumatic experiences for me. My teenage years were really really tough. Sometime I think to myself, if it wasn't for that, I would be a completely different person. Maybe better, maybe worse I don't know but I thought that my past at least, wouldn't be a burden for me and won't hold me back as I try to become the person I want to become. After a many years of praying and studying and pondering the words of God, I finally got an answer that these trials that I have had in the past weren't given to me because God didn't care about me or I deserved it but because I needed to grow. It wasn't given to hold me back from progressing but to help me progress in the direction where God wanted me to be. I needed to become the person that Heavenly Father wanted me to be. I needed to overcome myself so that I can grow and help other people who are also struggling in their life. Because of the things I experienced, now I know how to help others when they are in need and I can understand them better with more empathy. What I thought was a burden that I will never be able to overcome has now turned into a blessing and an opportunity for me to help other people. Also, now I am one step closer to who I'm destined to become.

The purpose of this blog is that I may be a light to someone who has lost their hope. I want to help people to find happiness in their lives. The real happiness that will last forever. I wish I can help and uplift others, even if it may just be one person because every soul is precious to God.