
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Gospel changes lives of the people

One of the things I love about the gospel is that it gives such a positive effect on my life.
I love seeing myself change. I'm not perfect and still make a lot of mistakes everyday. but I try harder to become a better person. I try everyday so that one day, I'll become the person God wants me to become. I love seeing the change of my actions, thoughts, words, perspectives on life and my goals.
Change is not easy. It requires having patience and making sacrifices but I know the real happiness comes from living the gospel. Eversince I heard the talk from Elder Uchtdorf "Of Regrets and Resolutions", I try to live a happy life and make every moment meaningful so that I don't waste the precious time God has blessed me with. I try to find gratitude in every situations. I want everyday to be my best day so that if I were to die tomorrow, I wouldn't have any regrets. Sometime it is so hard to remember to be happy especially when we go through the trials, but we just need to remember our blessings and be grateful for everything especially the things that seem so small and insignificant. We need to trust God that every trial has it's purpose and he wants the best for us.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Power of Prayer

When I was young, I began my day with a morning prayer with an abundant hope that my day will be a great day. In my prayer, I always included "Heavenly Father, please help me to have a good day today so that I'll be happy." However, for some reason, every time I said my morning prayers, the exact opposite happened. I thought to myself. What's going on? Why is Heavenly Father punishing me for being good? After awhile, I stopped saying my prayers. How little did I know then. As the years have passed, I began to realize that prayer doesn't change my situations but a true sincere prayer changes my attitude toward the given situations. Now I know that with the light of Christ, no matter how difficult my day is, I can face it with gratitude and joy. Some days, it takes more effort than other days but I have felt the change of heart and got to see how it changed my life. This gospel really brought happiness to my life. I know it's true, and I live it and I absolutely love it. I know that as I strive to keep the commandments, I stand one step closer to God and in that place, I can feel his love much more intimately.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Yesterday I drove up to Salt Lake see my old high school friend Yasmin. She came to Utah with her husband and I got to see her for the first time in four years!!!!! Ohmygosh she still looks so beautiful and young. Catching up with her was so much fun. I didn't realize that my accent has changed so much over the four years. Listening to her New Zealand English sounded a little weird to me at first but then I was like... awwwww I miss NZ!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know why but I kind of look like a frog in this picture. hahahahaha 

She is one of the SWEEEETEST people I know. 
We've known each other for almost 9 years now. WOW time does fly. 

Since this post is about throwing back time.. here are some things I miss about NZ.

1. The Beaches. beaches beaches and beaches.
The have so many beautiful beaches over there and it was super close to my house.
Easy 40min drive, and you will find this paradise.

Here comes the pictures!! 

Aren't these pictures so beautiful? I went there for at least three times a week!
After school, during school, on weekends... LOL 

2. The weather. . . 
In NZ, the winter is usually shorter than the summer and even in winter
it never snows!!! I didn't really appreciate it that much but being in Utah, I realized
how much easier your life can be without snow. 

Last but least..... all the memories. . .  !!
I can't say they were all good but I spent all of my teenage years in NZ 
and I cannot take those memories away from my life.....