
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

5 Months old Madsyn

Wow, where has the time gone!!! Madsyn is already five months old.
Last month Madsyn received his second set of vaccines, and since that fateful day he has stopped sleeping through the night...dang it!
'sigh'.......... and then his first teeth started coming in and that has once again made my bed and me strangers...

On a brighter note, here are some of Mad-diggity's pictures!  It has only been a month since my last post, but he has grown like crazy!!

Lots of firsts this month! Madsyn can now sit in the shopping cart without being in his car seat. YAY!
I hated hated hated taking car seats with me everywhere. I mean... he is just getting SO MASSIVE and my little arms get too tired. I'm pretty sure he and the car seat weigh at least 60lbs now......
I try to work out hard at the gym just to keep up with being able to carry him. Speaking of getting so big, Madsyn was born a month early as a tiny "premie" and over the last 4 months he grew so much that he went over the 100th percentile curve.  I'm not sure how over 100% is possible, but he did it.  YAY!! And now he wears 9 months clothes.

We also took Madsyn to the movies for the first time. It was an interesting experience.  He cried because he got too tired and it was too loud. My husband had to stand up and hold him half of the time while trying to watch the movie. (By the way, the name of the movie was Jack Reacher 2 and it was such a great movie. It is now on my must recommend to everyone list!)

Madsyn LOVES to chew on my bag, his blanket, our fingers (ouch)... pretty much anything he can grab. He now has 2 VERY sharp bottom teeth!

A couple of days ago I swear he said "mom!" He was crying for food and when I went to carry him he said "엄마" in his crying voice. People tell me that was just a cry and I misheard it but who knows. I was too excited but yet couldn't be proved because he hasn't said it again since then. But it was one of the happiest times of my parenting moment to hear the word mom from MY little boy! haha.

When I look back, it seems like the last month has been really long and hard with him waking up every hour screaming from teething pains but I have to say that it really is worth it. Being a mom has been a huge blessing in my life. While I try my best to teach him, at the same time he teaches me important life lessons everyday.  One example...

Last week I was at a store with Madsyn and there was an old "scrubby" looking guy (as my husband would say) standing in line behind us. I was holding Madsyn and with a motherly instinct I thought to myself... 'He looks a little weird and scary.. please....don't come too close to my son.' The next thing I saw was Madsyn smiling so innocently at the old man and babbling at him. I looked at the old man and his face lit up as he smiled back at Madsyn. I was so humbled and touched by their little smile exchanges and realized how prideful I was to judge him by the way he looked. Children are just so innocent and full of love, they don't care in the least about what people look like. I always like to remind myself to "become as little children" and this is one of the most Christlike qualities they have that we can learn from. I looked at the old man again and he didn't seem so scary anymore. I was happy to see them smiling at each other and I thought.. maybe he was lonely and I think Madsyn's smile might have made his day. How great is it that I get to hold this little man who came straight from Heaven. Just a few months ago, he was living with his Heavenly Father. How lucky am I to be his mom! It really is the best job in the world!

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