
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Perks of being sick

So... something that I learned a couple days ago.. is that when you have symptoms of flu for more than a week.. it's probably a good idea that you go to the doctors.
I don't really like going to the doctors for little things but this time I really really REALLY regret not going sooner as it turns out it wasn't flu the whole time.
Streptococcus pneumoniae????? WOW.............
When the doctor told me this it was kinda funny because last week I was sick at home, watching one of the girls die from pneumoniae in the movie "Jane Eyre" and I thought man.. I feel sorry for her and all that time I had the same sickness! LOL
Anyways it got really bad on Tuesday so I finally ended up in a hospital...
Thank goodness I am blessed with not only one but TWO uncles who are kind enough to take care of me. He brought me food three times a day and these cool things called "kiwiberries". Hehe.

So.. lesson learned.. always always always go to the doctors when you're sick.
They are there for a reason!!
Also.. when I was sick of sleeping, I listened to one of the conference talks by Sister Margaret Nadauld called "The Joy of Womanhood" and she said;

You can recognize women who are grateful to be a daughter of God by their outward appearance. These women understand their stewardship over their bodies and treat them with dignity. They care for their bodies as they would a holy temple, for they understand the Lord’s teaching: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

When I heard this, I felt so so so bad... for not taking care of my body and taking the word of wisdom too lightly. Going to sleep early and eating good food may seem like small things but indeed, small and simple things will bring to pass great pnuemonia...

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