
Monday, January 12, 2015

Sophie's New Years Resolutions!!

So.......... here comes my new year's resolutions.

* At the end of 2015, what do I want to have happened?

On December 31, 2015 I want to see myself as being a devoted faithful latter-day Saint who loves the Savior more than anything in this world. I want to see myself serving others in as many areas as possible. I want to see myself preparing to be the best wife and mother for my future family. I want to be the person who is always happy and kind, constantly looking for opportunities to help others. I want to see myself becoming more like the Savior.

1. Always be positive and optimistic on all aspects of life.
- Because life is so hard and optimism will help us to get through any challenges that we face. Always try to look on the bright side of the life. Have hope in Christ's atonement that he can help me overcome and get through anything.

2. Keep my body clean and healthy
- I'm really really bad at this but I need to eat less chocolate/dessert/sweets...

3. Study the scriptures everyday
- Set aside a time to study scriptures everyday. Make it my priority over anything. Try to recognize what Heavenly Father is trying to have me learn. Apply it to my life and live according to the things I've learned.

4. To go the gym at least 3 times a week.

5. Participate in as many service projects as I can
- Hospice program, help the missionaries, adopt-a-grandparent, translation, Y-serve, Community action, cook for my family, babysit for my uncles, do things for my roommates.

6. Prepare myself for temple endowment
- Study about the blessings of the temple and the endowment.

7. Read 100 books by the end of 2015.
- One of the easiest goals to achieve! Hehe.

8. Be more considerate of others especially of my family
- Try to be less selfish and care about their feelings. Treat them special because they're special to me. Always pray for them and think about how I can help them and make them happy.

9. Don't waste time on things that have no eternal benefits
"Set aside those things in your life that don't really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. With prayer, faith, determination, diligence and some sacrifice, you can make a powerful contribution."
- Less social  I need to think more about this one...

10. Be anxiously engaged in all good things
- Try new hobbies that I can enjoy during my free time.
- Knitting, handmade candles, baking, cooking, start translating books, write a short book for myself.

11. Always remember that I am a daughter of God and the covenants I made with him.
“We are His children, and if we ever got that through our heads thoroughly, understood that completely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word, we would not use bad language, we would not criticize anybody, we would love everyone the way the Savior loves us.”
- Make my prayers more meaningful.
- Don't fall asleep during my night prayers - I'm soooo so so so bad at this. T_T

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