
Friday, December 12, 2014

The greatest blessing of all

I love listening to the General Conference talks. The words of the prophets help me in many aspects of life to live it in the way I'm supposed to live. With all the things going on around in this world, I sometimes forget my true identity - that I am a daughter of God and I was sent here to do his work, to accomplish the things that I've been pre-ordained to do. It's rather easier to just blend in with the world than to stand out and hold strong to my beliefs. Everyday, every hour, every minute we face obstacles that hold us back from achieving our goals. Sometimes when my days get so busy with work, family, friends and million other things, I get carried away and heaven seems so far away and I lose my focus on the Savior. There is even a little thought at the back of my mind that it's too hard of a goal to achieve so I think to myself.. 'Will I REALLY be able to get there?'. It just seems too unrealistic and doubt starts to replace my faith.

 But today, I came across this quote, by Bruce. C. Hafen

"We can have eternal life if we want it, but only if there is nothing else we want more. In the long run, our most deeply held desires will govern our choices, one by one and day by day, until our lives finally add up to what we have really wanted most--for good or otherwise. We can indeed have eternal life, if we really want it, so long as we don't want something else more."

Reading this quote me realize that Eternal life really is possible for me and as imperfect as I am, it is still available for me because of the Atonement of the Savior and if I have the desire and strive to do my very best he will take care of the rest and meet me there.  
I know that no matter how far Heaven may seem to us, if we have the spirit of God we will feel close to Heaven. We can all receive the greatest gift - the Eternal life if we put it our first priority and remember our goal and endure to the very end of our lives.