
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pray as Enos Prayed....

If we are to search for real light and eternal certainties, we have to pray as the ancients prayed. We are women now, not children, and we are expected to pray with maturity. The words most often used to describe urgent, prayerful labor are wrestle, plead, cry, and hunger. In some sense, prayer may be the hardest work we ever will engage in, and perhaps it should be. It is pivotal protection against becoming so involved with worldly possessions and honors and status that we no longer desire to undertake the search for our soul. (Patricia Holland)

When I think of sincere prayer, the first scripture that comes to my mind is Enos where he wrestled, pleaded, cried before God all day and all night. I want that....... I want to have the closeness with God where I can pour out my soul unto Him and be completely honest and truly communicate with him about everything that's going on in my life. What do I need to do to pray like Enos did? How can I feel the same way as he did after he gained a remission of his sins that my soul will finally be rest in God. How can I have the change of heart that the prophets in the ancient went through? 

First, I need to understand why he prayed and wrestled.

He prayed because he wanted the true joy that comes from the Eternal life. 
So, what does the word Eternal life mean to me? Why is it so important for me to have the Eternal life? Did it sink "deep into my heart?" Am I humble enough to forsake my natural desires and depend my whole self to God? Am I willing to make the changes that he wants me to make when the prayer is finished? Do I have the faith that I can have the same experience that Enos had?
The reason why Eternal life means a lot to me is not only because I get to live with God but also, that was my whole purpose of coming down to this earth. For me, the very moment I forget my purpose in life is the moment where I just crash and get really really discouraged and sad. I don't want my time on this earth to be wasted. I want to achieve the goal of what I came to this earth for. I want to live with my family and see my heavenly father again and live in his presence forever. I want to make sure that the pain the Savior had to go through in Gethsemane and all the blood that he has shed for me along with all the sacrifices he made so that I can have the greatest gift of all - the Eternal life - is not going to be a waste. I miss him. I miss my Heavenly Father's love. I need him. I want the love that Elder Melvin J. Ballard described once from his dream. "He took me in his arms and kissed me, pressed me to his bosom, and blessed me, until the marrow of my bones seemed to melt... to have His love, His affection, and His blessing was such that if I can receive that of which I had but a foretaste, I would give all that I am, all that I ever hope to be, to feel what I then felt." 

How can we pray like Enos did?

President Kimball gave us a good suggestion which was actually on how we can be humble but we can also apply it to praying like Enos did. 
First, you evaluate yourself. What am I? I am the circle. I am the hole in the doughnut. I would be nothing without the Lord. My breath, my brains, my hearing, my sight, my locomotion, my everything depends upon the Lord. That is the first step and then we pray, and pray often, and we will not get up from our knees until we have communicated. The line may be down; we may have let it fall to pieces, but I will not get up from my knees until I have established communication—if it is twenty minutes, if it is all night like Enos. . . . If it takes all day long, you stay on your knees until your unhumbleness has dissipated, until you feel the humble spirit and realize, “I could die this minute if it were not for the Lord’s good grace. I am dependent upon him—totally dependent upon him.”

I'm so grateful for all the examples so many of the prophets and the leader has set for me. Especially the greatest example that Christ has set for me. I know that I'm nothing without him but with him I can achieve all the things he wants me to achieve. Like Enos said in verse 15, "Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it." If I have faith, I know I will have the peace and true joy that comes from God.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sophie's New Years Resolutions!!

So.......... here comes my new year's resolutions.

* At the end of 2015, what do I want to have happened?

On December 31, 2015 I want to see myself as being a devoted faithful latter-day Saint who loves the Savior more than anything in this world. I want to see myself serving others in as many areas as possible. I want to see myself preparing to be the best wife and mother for my future family. I want to be the person who is always happy and kind, constantly looking for opportunities to help others. I want to see myself becoming more like the Savior.

1. Always be positive and optimistic on all aspects of life.
- Because life is so hard and optimism will help us to get through any challenges that we face. Always try to look on the bright side of the life. Have hope in Christ's atonement that he can help me overcome and get through anything.

2. Keep my body clean and healthy
- I'm really really bad at this but I need to eat less chocolate/dessert/sweets...

3. Study the scriptures everyday
- Set aside a time to study scriptures everyday. Make it my priority over anything. Try to recognize what Heavenly Father is trying to have me learn. Apply it to my life and live according to the things I've learned.

4. To go the gym at least 3 times a week.

5. Participate in as many service projects as I can
- Hospice program, help the missionaries, adopt-a-grandparent, translation, Y-serve, Community action, cook for my family, babysit for my uncles, do things for my roommates.

6. Prepare myself for temple endowment
- Study about the blessings of the temple and the endowment.

7. Read 100 books by the end of 2015.
- One of the easiest goals to achieve! Hehe.

8. Be more considerate of others especially of my family
- Try to be less selfish and care about their feelings. Treat them special because they're special to me. Always pray for them and think about how I can help them and make them happy.

9. Don't waste time on things that have no eternal benefits
"Set aside those things in your life that don't really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. With prayer, faith, determination, diligence and some sacrifice, you can make a powerful contribution."
- Less social  I need to think more about this one...

10. Be anxiously engaged in all good things
- Try new hobbies that I can enjoy during my free time.
- Knitting, handmade candles, baking, cooking, start translating books, write a short book for myself.

11. Always remember that I am a daughter of God and the covenants I made with him.
“We are His children, and if we ever got that through our heads thoroughly, understood that completely, we would never do a small thing, we would never say a cross word, we would not use bad language, we would not criticize anybody, we would love everyone the way the Savior loves us.”
- Make my prayers more meaningful.
- Don't fall asleep during my night prayers - I'm soooo so so so bad at this. T_T

New Year's Resolution

I've set my new year's resolutions on new years day already (which I broke half of the list before the frist week) but yesterday at church, I learned something that helped me to set goals more specifically and realistically with better ways to help me achieve them and I want to share this with everyone because it was SUPER helpful for me.

Here are the 7 steps.

1. Identify the goals you wish to achieve.

When we set goals, we need to keep in mind "What do you want to have happend?"
What do I want to have achieved at the end of the day, end of the week, and at the end of 2015?
What attributes do I want to develop? What kind of life do I want to have? What kind of person do I want to become?

2. Write definitions and descriptions of the goals.

3. Record questions to answers as you study.
For example, if you want to become more obedient, ask questions to yourself.
"What is it that I want to obey? Why?"

4. List and study thoroughly about the goals you want to achieve
Thorougly is the key!! Study it and learn everything about it inside and out.
Know exactly what it is that you want to change.

5. Record your feelings and impressions
Write down how you felt after keeping those goals, write down your mistakes and how you can make it better. I think it's really important that you don't leave out the mistakes part because you're ashamed of it because a lot of times, we learn the most from our own mistakes. It's ok to mess up. There are ways to "fail succesfully". Isn't that what the Atonement was for?

6. Pray for help.

7. Evaluate your progress periodically.
This is SUPER important because "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates."(President Thomas S. Monson)